InModern WomenbyBritanny Levy“Love Has To Serve Both Parts”The true recipe for a happy relationshipSep 16, 20244Sep 16, 20244
InModern WomenbyBritanny LevyOn The Day I Almost Lost My Love, My Friends Were A LifelineThe long-lasting impact of kind, loving, actsSep 25, 20241Sep 25, 20241
InThe Honest PerspectivebyBritanny LevyI Had a Virtual Affair and It Was Fun. Until it Wasn’t.on dating someone physically absentAug 24, 2024Aug 24, 2024
InBelovedbyBritanny LevyDebunking the Myth “Relationships Are Hard Work”Investing in your happiness is far from being “hard work”Sep 7, 20242Sep 7, 20242
InHuman PartsbyBritanny LevyMy Journey From Grief Into Post-Grief GriefAfter unexpectedly losing the love of my lifeSep 10, 20242Sep 10, 20242
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny Levy5 Steps to Help You Heal From a Broken HeartIt takes time to recover from a breakup, but these steps will help you heal fasterJul 1, 2024Jul 1, 2024
InAge of EmpathybyBritanny LevyMy Pain is Mine but Not Mine Aloneand it makes it so much easier to endure itDec 12, 20232Dec 12, 20232
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyBeing Ghosted Is Painful, But You Can Move Past It.I still wonder why I was ghosted, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.Sep 3, 2022Sep 3, 2022
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny Levy5 Personal Habits You Have That Can Undermine Your RelationshipThe things you should avoid doing in order to maintain a healthy, happy relationship.Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyAre You Sure You’re Ready to Move In With Your Love?7 things to consider before you move in with your partner.Feb 18, 20211Feb 18, 20211
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny Levy6 Personal Traits to Look for In a Romantic PartnerLove is not enough to build a happy relationship. These personal attributes play a paramount role.Jan 21, 2021Jan 21, 2021
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyMy Heart Healed and Learned How to Love AgainYou can love deeply more than once in your lifetimeDec 14, 20203Dec 14, 20203
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyIn Love, Your Heart is Wise. Trust it!In my life-changing decisions, I always follow my heart’s advice.Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyThe Upside Of Being GhostedBeing ghosted hurt, but it was proof that my self-worth is more important than anythingJul 13, 2020Jul 13, 2020
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyVirtual Relations are Made of Real People, Not Disposable ArticlesHuman connections are precious, stop treating people as if they don’t matterMar 19, 2020Mar 19, 2020
InScribebyBritanny LevySaying “I Love You” With No WordsActions are more powerful than wordsOct 31, 20199Oct 31, 20199
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyHe’s Gone but He’s Everywherethe ones we lose don’t die in our heartSep 27, 20191Sep 27, 20191
Ina Few WordsbyBritanny LevyLove Is Love, Is Love!Love is a gift, either is same-gender or not.Sep 25, 20192Sep 25, 20192
InInviting GrowthbyBritanny LevyHow to Love an Independent WomanDid you fall for an independent woman? Congratulations! Here’s an instruction manual to deal with herSep 18, 201918Sep 18, 201918