InThe Writing CooperativebyBritanny Levy5 Strategies to Help You Beat a Blank Pageit’s not that hard to beat writer’s block!Jan 14, 20231Jan 14, 20231
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyIf You Write In a Non-Native Language, These 4 Apps Are a Must-Have.4 apps (3 free and 1 paid) incredibly helpful for those who don’t write in their native language.May 18, 20211May 18, 20211
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyBeing a Writer is Having the Power to Create a Better Reality[on the chaos of being a writer]May 8, 2021May 8, 2021
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyHow to Become a Better Writer With the Resources You HaveRealistic strategies to upgrade your writing skillsJan 13, 202120Jan 13, 202120
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyWhat Is Therapeutic Writing and How It Benefits You?An insight on therapeutic writing and its major benefitsNov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy4 Simple Changes That Improved My ProductivityBeing a freelancer has more to do with discipline than anything elseNov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyThe Mindset You Need to Be a Successful Freelancer5 pieces of advice that will help you earn (good) money as a writerOct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyYou Are a Writer! Embrace It and Start Acting Like One.How to start taking your writing seriously and proudly call yourself “writer”.Jul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy4 Strategies to Reconnect With the Characters of Your NovelLosing connection with the characters of your plot will block your writing. When that happens, try thisJun 28, 2020Jun 28, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy5 Motivating Reasons Why you Should Writesuggestions of the heart to make you write (again)Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy6 Steps to Upgrade Your Draft Into a Perfect ArticleGood writing is about good revising — and it can be a simple processJun 23, 20202Jun 23, 20202
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyBoost Your Creativity With a Writing Habit5 creative advantages of having a writing routineJun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy5 Benefits of Therapeutic WritingRelease and manage your emotions through writingApr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
InScribebyBritanny LevyWriters Inspire, One Reader at the TimeYour stories matters, more than you might be awareApr 23, 20206Apr 23, 20206
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyWriting Prompts: a Way to Trigger Your CreativityBe more productive by using writing promptsMar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy7 Tips to Get You Focused and Improve Your ProductivityFor writers, productivity is fundamental. Here’s how to increase yoursFeb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy4 Habits That Will Improve Your Writing SkillsA good writer is made of habits, being these four the main onesNov 25, 20191Nov 25, 20191
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny Levy“Do You Have to Write?”My answer to a challenging questionNov 22, 20191Nov 22, 20191
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyHow to Prevent Self-criticism from Sabotaging Your ProductivityA 4-step plan to quiet down your toxic self-critic voiceNov 20, 2019Nov 20, 2019
InThe Backstages of WritingbyBritanny LevyHow to Do a Successful Revision of Your First DraftRevising your first draft is a hard task, but following these 3 steps, it will be a prolific oneNov 18, 2019Nov 18, 2019